
Artificial intelligence is improving everyday life and is expected to impact nearly every industry in the coming years. 这项技术带来了 出色的就业增长令人兴奋的工作机会和高薪.

根据热门招聘网站Indeed的数据.机器学习工程师(人工智能工程师的一种) 美国的平均年薪为150,083美元. Ziprecruiter.另一家求职网站com报道称,人工智能工程师赚了一笔钱美国学生的平均年薪为164,769美元.S.

现在是追求成为一名人工智能工程师的最佳时机. In this article, we’ll explore what it takes to launch a career in AI, including:


Artificial Intelligence (also commonly called “AI”) is a technology that mimics and performs tasks that would typically require human intelligence. 人工智能被用于语音识别等无数任务, 语言翻译, 决策, 医疗技术, 和更多的. Advancements in AI are possible thanks to the surplus of data in our lives and advancements made in computer processing power.

这项技术的结果是自动驾驶汽车的奢侈, 人工智能引导的客户协助, even things as seemingly simple as your email provider’s auto-correct and text editing functionality. 人工智能让位于影响日常生活的机会, including breakthroughs that at one point might have only been dreamed of in science fiction but are now very much embedded in our everyday lives.


The typical tasks of an AI engineer will vary based on the industry they’ve chosen to work in. However, here are the common tasks that aspiring AI engineers could expect to perform.

  • Man年龄 and set up product infrastructure and AI development projects.
  • 研究和发展数据科学原型.
  • Implement 机器学习 algorithms and AI tools within research opportunities based on current parameters.
  • Build AI models from scratch and assist in sharing knowledge of the model’s function.
  • 选择合适的数据集和数据表示方法.
  • 培训计算机系统,并在需要时进一步发展.
  • Build data transformation infrastructure and automate the infrastructure that the data team uses frequently.
  • Transform 机器学习 models into application program interfaces so that applications can implement the API.
  • Work and communicate with other AI engineers or 机器人 teams as needed to communicate important processes and developments in the works.


A successful AI engineer will typically possess some if not all of these skills:

〇精通编程语言 An important skill set needed to become an AI engineer is learning how to write in multiple programming langu年龄s. 虽然了解Python和R很重要, it’s also necessary to have a strong understanding of data structures and basic algorithms alongside programming literacy.

〇数学能力 Developing AI models will require confidence in calculating algorithms and a strong understanding in probability. 人工智能编程将利用统计数据, 微积分, 线性代数, 以及数值分析来帮助预测人工智能程序将如何运行.  

〇数据管理能力 A large element of the typical AI engineer work day is working with large amounts of data as well as working with big data technologies such as Spark or Hadoop that will help make sense of data programming.

〇算法知识 Having a strong knowledge of algorithms and their respective frameworks helps building AI models and implementing 机器学习 processes easier. This can be with structured or unstructured data so having a deep knowledge of algorithms is helpful for success.

〇批判性思维能力 AI engineers are consistently researching data and trends in order to develop new findings and create AI models. Being able to build a rapid prototype allows the engineer to brainstorm new approaches to the model and make improvements. The ability to think critically and quickly to make a project perform well is helpful for all AI engineers.


和大多数职业道路一样, there are some mandatory prerequisites prior to launching your AI engineering career. The steps to becoming an AI engineer typically require higher 教育 and certifications.


The first step in becoming an AI engineer involves learning the foundations of artificial intelligence: computer information science. 大多数雇主会要求你拥有专业学士学位 计算机信息科学专业本科以上学历 or computer science to demonstrate that you have mastered the basics of programming and algorithms.


除了编程, AI engineers should also have an understanding of software development, 机器学习, 机器人, 数据科学, 和更多的. These fundamentals will be covered while obtaining a bachelor's degree. 

Some individuals go on to earn a master’s degree in data analytics or mathematics.


Once you’ve achieved your higher 教育 requirements and have developed the technological skills that an AI engineering job demands, it’s time to seek a position within the field of artificial intelligence. 人工智能工程师可以为无数的行业工作——机器人, 卫生保健和医药, 市场营销和零售, 教育, 政府, 还有更多.

Someone proficient in the science of AI can choose to apply for a job as an AI developer, 人工智能架构师, 机器学习工程师, 数据科学家, 或人工智能研究员.


就像任何技术职业一样, the knowledge and capabilities of artificial intelligence are constantly evolving. 了解当前的趋势是很重要的, 新系统, and potential programming changes in order to create the best AI systems for the current market – and so that you stay marketable in your chosen career.


人工智能工程是一个利润丰厚、令人兴奋的职业选择, well suited for natural problem solvers and those who enjoy making sense of data and numbers. GMercyU can help you develop your computer science skills to set you up for success as an AI engineer with our 计算机信息科学专业.

GMercyU’s dedicated, expert 教师 will mentor you as you grow your skill set. 除了动手学习, GMercyU AI students also explore the ethical challenges that these powerful technologies bring about, so that you can become a responsible innovator of future AI technologies.
